Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's a Process

Anaya and Audie are two months old!  We all survived another month!  Without a doubt, this month was crazier than the last.  I'm not sure what's in store...

The babies are growing and changing so much right now.  We haven't had their two month appointment yet, but I would venture to guess that Audie weighs over 10 lbs and Anaya is maybe pushing 8.  She's petite and he's a linebacker.  They really are totally different babies than the ones we brought home two months ago.  Their little personalities are starting to come alive, too.  Anaya is really a little princess.  She's a pretty easy baby most of the time, but when we don't read her mind while she's asleep so that she may get whatever she wants immediately upon waking, we had better have the earplugs ready.  The girl can break some glass.  Grandma Sissy says she's going to be an opera singer.  But she smiles too - especially for patty-cake, and sometimes the hokey pokey.  Today she smiled while I was blowing her hair dry after bath.  She's right, the blow dryer does feel nice.  Audie is a little more challenging.  He seems to have a hard time with anything so he's a bit more of a struggle.  He has happy eyes and we've seen a few little grins, but we're working hard to make him a happier baby.  One thing you can count on Audie for, though, is a good nap.  He's a little teddy bear and loves to snuggle.

Adam is doing an awesome job as a big brother.  He is my constant helper and loves to do everything for the babies.  And they love to watch and listen to him.  The other day he got them both to stop crying by playing the harmonica :)  He kisses and hugs them every morning and night and when he leaves and gets home from preschool.  What a little sweetie.

This weekend is Easter and we had our squadron Easter picnic.  Adam found two of the super-special eggs that won huge, filled Easter baskets, but being the sweetheart he is, he gave one of the eggs to his friend, Ollie, so they could each win one.  The kiddos were dressed up so we attempted a photo of them.  Anaya showcased her temper.  Apparently the light wasn't flattering her and we weren't photographing her good side.  Here's the process:


Overall, we got some keepers.  Kids and photos. ;-)

Happy Easter! 


Miss Bee said...

They are ALL getting so big! My favorite picture in this post is the one where Adam is trying to comfort Anaya... what a sweetheart. (AND sharing the egg with his friend? Oh my gosh, he is too precious.) I also love how his hair is all combed back...

Thanks for the update on the twins' personalities! You need to post more videos so we can see them in action.... if nothing else, record them crying. That way, when the rest of us think we are having a stressful day, we can play the video and remind ourselves that if you can tend to that 24/7, whatever we have going on is probably rather small.

Miss Bee said...

I also love that Audie has the exact same expression in every photo. lol

Amy said...

Teach - the other day they were both screaming like crazy and I was holding one in each arm. I had done all I could do to try and calm them, to no avail, so I just found the humor. I sat them on my lap facing eachother, so their faces were about 4 inches apart. Then, they were screaming at eachother! It wasn't long before Audie was looking up at me, pitifully whining, wondering why I would do this to him...while she continued screaming in his face! There was no video, but I'll post a pic.

Miss Bee said...

Love it! When the going gets tough, the tough find a way to laugh at it.

Anonymous said...

I love the pics! Glad you had a good Easter.
