Thursday, March 1, 2012

Smarty Pants

I know, I know - two posts in a row about Adam?  But he really is just too much sometimes!  He's constantly providing me with material! 

Adam has been dressing himself for school since he was three.  He picks out what he's going to wear every single day and as long as it's weather-appropriate, I let him flaunt his personal style.  Sometimes it results in a wrist sweatband around his ankle.  Sometimes it results in wearing a Santa hat to the beach in August.  Sometimes it leads to this:

*Confession: He comes by this honestly.  My Mom tells me stories about how she would watch me get on the bus in a totally inappropriate hat that looked like I should be going to the Kentucky Derby or Prince William's wedding.  Or a shirt that used to belong to my aunt, with a belt cinched around my waist (Seriously, people, I was 25 years ahead of the curve.  I knew all about the belt.)

He really wanted to wear those Nike shorts, but it was just a tad too chilly for shorts, so I told him to change into pants.  I walked out of his room and got busy doing other things.  He changed (I assumed) and then went and sat at the table to finish his homework.  When it was time to walk out the door, he hopped up, grabbed his bag and then I saw his outfit.  What a silly boy.  But I just don't choose that as a battle.  I'm sure he got giggles yesterday and I'm also pretty sure that he is more-than-happy to provide those giggles.  You know what he also got yesterday?  Accepted into the "Gifted" class at school.  I know, it's only kindergarten, but still!  How proud am I?  I mean, we know he's smart because he amazes us every day.  Just the other day, we were getting ready to brush his teeth and he started telling me that "the earth is always spinning, even at night."  I asked him if he learned that at school and he replied, "No, I just knew that because I'm smart.  You know I'm smart.  I know everything."  I tried not to snicker and just said, "Well, you are very smart and you do know a lot.  But, you don't know everything.  You still have a lot to learn"  He was skeptical of that and demanded an example: "Like what?  What do I have to learn?"  I went with something easy - "Do you know how to drive a car?"  Obviously, he replied no.  "Well, I'll learn that when I'm bigger."  I told him he would learn a lot when he was bigger, but that for now I thought he was probably half right.  He knew everything he needed to know at 5 years old. 

He was smart enough to have the foresight two wear workout shorts with his jeans, in case he wanted an impromptu workout ;)

1 comment:

Miss Bee said...

The kid has style!!! Love it.

And no surprise that he was accepted into the "gifted" program, but congrats anyway. I know you have a lot to do with it!