Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stupid Ball

Like two years ago, I told Alan that I wanted to try using a balance ball to sit on at the computer.  So for Valentine's or something, he bought me one.  I was excited to get a great core workout while I was trolling facebook.  Well, as it turns out, you can totally work the system and sitting on that ball is no better than lying in bed.  Anyway, I recently told Alan that I was over the whole "sit on a ball at the computer" thing.  Now, I'm certain of it.  Today, while talking on Skype with Mom, the twins were in chairs and I was sitting behind them on the ball.  I stood up to correct the angle of the webcam and sat back down.  Except the ball had rolled away when I stood up.  I think I broke my coccyx.  Stupid ball.

That is all.  You may laugh.

1 comment:

Miss Bee said...

I did laugh - I'm sorry. OUCH!