Thursday, January 12, 2012


The other day, I posted my little list of "tips" I would give to a first-time Mom.  Well, it dawned on me yesterday, as I explained yet again to Adam how and why Santa was walking into the Burger King on Kadena Air Base in the middle of December.  Don't ask - I will give you this advice, though: Should you ever find yourself fulfilling the role of "Santa Claus," DO NOT, under any circumstance, get out of your car at any place other than the one where you are supposed to BE Santa Claus.  It confuses kids.  Anyway, as I tried to remember what I told Adam last time he asked about Santa walking into BK, so that I could be consistent, I realized: If he's asking again, he doesn't remember.  I can't screw this up.  Then, I realized that that is the mother of all "tips" that I would give - Just as you have never done this before, neither have they.  If you find yourself thinking you "messed up," just roll with it.  Your newly-formed MommyBrain will help you cover it up and you have approximately a 99.999% chance that they'll never even know you "messed up" to begin with.  Perfect.  


Miss Bee said...

You should be a professional mommy motivator!

Amy said...

Ha! Things are easier said than done... I *might* be accused of being a hypocrite if I did that!