Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sayonara, 2011

I have to admit, I'm happy to say goodbye to 2011.  It had some fun times, but the rough times far overshadowed them.   

As 2011 ends, these are some things I am certain of:

10. The "Humor" section on Pinterest can fix any bad mood.  

9.  Raising kids is hard work and it's not for the weak.  Only the strong survive.

8.  You will never regret taking those five extra minutes to wash and moisturize my face before going to bed, no matter how badly you just want to go to sleep.

7.  There will always be people in the world who disappoint you, but there will also always be people who amaze you enough to make you forget about the disappointing ones.

6.  Skype and facebook are necessities if you live away from your family.

5.  The older you get, the more your Mom amazes you.  My Mom is one badass woman.

4.  Having a Christmas card mailing list that includes 19 states and 4 countries is pretty cool. 

3.  I will miss my Dad forever. 

2.  Military spouses and children are the strongest, most resilient group of people you will ever have the privilege of meeting.   

1.  Life is fragile.  Live it while you can.  To quote Pit Bull: "For all we know, we might not get tomorrow..." 

1 comment:

Miss Bee said...

Great picture! I think I even see a hint of a smile on Anaya! (and you look more beautiful than ever if that is possible...) 2012 is going to be a good year.
