Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Squatty Logic

If you were excited about me blogging again, then you'll probably be disappointed.  This hardly qualifies...

When we first moved here, I was appalled to find these:

We call them "squatty potties" because...well, you understand, right?  I remember thinking "Why on earth would they have these?!"  They do have normal potties, as well.  In fact, they have very fancy potties with warm seats and a white noise function and bidets.  Then, sometimes they have squatty potties and I just don't get it.  Seems barbaric, almost, except that there's plumbing, which means it's not any less intrusive to install.  Baffled.
Until last week, when I was reading Real Simple magazine and there was an advertisement for a "Squatty Potty toilet stool."  Seriously.  That's what it's called.  They've taken your everyday stool, which most of us have around, especially if we have kids, and they have marketed it as a supposed health tool that they sell for $35.  You prop your feet up while you potty.  So you potty like this:
Because, apparently:

Here is their claim: 
"The modern day toilet is convenient, but definitely not perfect. While sitting to do our business may be sold as civilized, this position has brought on a number of health problems that plague us today. Squatty Potty changes your anorectal angle for faster, cleaner, more effective elimination."
~source here
Huh.  I guess these Japanese people are smarter than me.  I still don't think I'll be installing a squatty potty any time soon.

1 comment:

Miss Bee said...

What?!? I have not seen this! I guess it makes sense???