Sunday, August 26, 2012

As Good as it Gets

Well, we've battened down the hatches and are waiting out Typhoon Bolaven, a Cat 4 storm beating the crap out of us.  Since we still have power, I figured I would pass the time by updating the blog (plus, Grandma Sissy has asked me every day for the past two weeks if I have put up a new blog, so I guess I'll take the hint...).

We had family pictures taken at the beach a couple of weeks ago.  In a rare moment of optimism, I thought it seemed like a good idea.  During the two-hour shoot, however, optimism did not show it's pretty face.  It seemed like my worst idea yet.  I was sure that there would not be a single good picture of the whole family.  My friend Christy is a fantastic photographer (CLH Photography).  She was not the problem.  They were the problem.  However, she assured me that there would be plenty of good ones and that I would be happy.  And she was right - there are several good ones.  As long as your definition of "good" does not include "all persons looking at the camera and smiling."    It's a relative term...I'll share a few of the good ones with you in a bit...

First, let me ask you this - if you take six pictures of a family in the same pose, how many would you expect to turn out well?  At least one, right?  You would be expecting too much...

Really, Anaya?  Not even a grin?  Do you have to look so miserable?
Then there are ones such as these:
In all seriousness, we did get plenty of great shots.  Here's a peek:
I think I've reached my upload limit, so I'll post more another time.  Thanks for checking in!

1 comment:

Miss Bee said...

The one with all of you in the shadows is gorgeous but I think the silly one might be my fave. Great pictures, cant wait to see the others! (and I hope the typhoon is over and all is okay!)