Saturday, March 27, 2010

I Believe...

So, a friend of mine did this writing prompt and I thought it was I pulled a single-white-female and copied her (shout out Writing Fuels My Soul!).  The idea is to come up with 20 things that you 100% truly believe.  It might sound easy.  And you could make it easy by just saying things like, "I believe 2+2=4".  But that would be boring and lame.  The truth is, it's hard to find 20 things you believe without a shadow of a doubt as an adult.  Here are 20 things I believe:

I believe in God and Jesus Christ, and if you are faithful to them then they will be faithful to you.  And I believe that when God is for you, no one can be against you.

I believe I have my own Guardian Angel.  She's been with me through bad car accidents, a robbery at gun-point, cancer surgeries and treatments, and the births of my children, not to mention travels (Mexico, anyone?) and everyday life.

I believe I married the man God made for me.  We may have our differences, but I truly am the better other half of him, and he of me.

I believe I was put on this earth to be a Mom, first and foremost, and that it is the most influential job I will ever have. 
I believe in taking lots of pictures and displaying them to remind us of who we are, where we came from and where we've been along our journey.

I believe being neat and tidy keeps me sane and feeling somewhat in control.

I believe nurturing my children's independent spirits is as important as teaching them their ABCs.

I believe in miracles.  What else could explain the arrival of Woody and Buzz Lightyear on Christmas Eve?  Or the birth of a baby?

I believe we should all be at least a little "green."  It's our responsibility to leave this planet in as good or better shape than when we arrived on it.  How hard is it to recycle and use reusable shopping bags?

I believe a little bit of sunshine without SPF is really okay.

I believe buying good shoes is worth the price - for multiple reasons.

I believe time with girlfriends is healing and that it's important to make room for that time.

I believe we should hand-write thank-you notes for gifts received and send them as soon as possible.  Sometimes "as soon as possible" is three months later, but late is better than never. 

This one may sound scary, but I believe I'll have to face cancer again.  And it won't win that time either.  I can't explain this - just a feeling.  Sort of like the feeling I always had, after losing Nanny, that I would be connected to her by that - I would fight that same battle.  And I did.

I believe that some people just don't get it.  And they never will. 

I believe concealer, bronzer and mascara can go a long way.  Don't leave home without it.

I believe knowing when to keep your mouth shut is invaluable.

I believe we all deserve things every once in a while that make us feel good about ourselves - like a pedicure...or those designer jeans I work my ass off to look good in.

I believe you should always tell someone if you love them and tell them often - your mate, your children, your parents, your friends. You never know what they may be going through and how good it might make them feel...or when it will be the last time you tell them.

I believe God answers our prayers.  When Alan and I talked about having kids, I wanted three and he originally wanted only two.  I used to secretly pray we'd have twins the second time around and I'd win by default!  Anaya's name is Hebrew, meaning "God answered."


kcrack said...

Oh sweet friend! I LOVE this! I might have to steal it too. I cried when I read the last one. Anaya is PERFECT. Miss you...

Stephani said...

Amy...this is beautiful! I got goose bumps reading it. Thank you for sharing a piece of your soul with us. Truly beautiful....

Amy said...

Stephani - thanks for the idea :)
I miss both of you ladies!