Friday, March 19, 2010

A Different Kind of Zoo

Mom's walking Rosie, Adam's at preschool and Anaya and Audie are sleeping, so I've got a minute or two to tell you about our trip to the zoo here.  Since we all know what the standard zoo animals look like, I won't bore you with those pictures.  Here are some gems we shot, though.

First we saw some emus.  One took quite an interest in Adam so we got him out of there pretty quickly.  Don't be jealous of Adam's innovative style - wristband on one ankle?  Genius!

Next, we saw a hen and rooster.  How often do you see those at the zoo?  Hardly ever.

Here's Adam by the hippos.  The half-scared face *might* be explainable - I may or may not have told him they wanted to eat him for lunch.  And he knew it was lunchtime.

The thing that was the most interesting and hilarious were the signs.  Of course, we couldn't read them but the Japanese have a knack for illustrating everything (a few weekends ago we drove up to the aquarium and kept seeing signs illustrating a habu snake and a mongoose with boxing gloves on, pointing you to the habu-mongoose fights).  Here were some funny ones at the zoo:

On the anteater cage:  Something about the rain, clearly.  And maybe something about walking your dog with an umbrella in the rain?  Not sure... 

On the deer cage.  I can only assume the arrow pointing to the butt is showing us that the tail is white, hence the name "White-tailed Deer" 

You may think this one is for a raccoon but, in fact, it's for a "Raccoon Dog," which is different than a "Common Raccoon."  I'm sure this handmade sign would educate us on that (given the lightbulb), if we could read kanji.  The empty speech bubble is my personal favorite. 

Last, but certainly not least, beware of the spraying tigers and lions that they let you get within 3 feet of.  I'm pretty sure it's how we all ended up sick.

I always love a day at the zoo, but here on Okinawa, it's an unimaginable adventure!


Miss Bee said...

The picture of Adam and the hippo is my favorite.

I wonder if there is one person that gets to make all the signs?

Amy said...

Hmmm...good question. If so, then I'm willing to bet that would be a fun person to hang out with.