Monday, April 29, 2013

6 Things On My Mind

1.  The twins are thisclose to being out of diapers!  I knew Audie was about done, but I thought the girl was going to wear them when she graduated high school, just to spite me.  With the stroller and sippy cups in the flea market pile, I am starting to see the light.  Time to enjoy the fruits of my labor, right?  Even if one of those fruits seems a little rotten...


 2.  I used to be able to count on Adam being my cautious one...until the girls next door taught him to climb a tree.  He is now fearless and I'm scared.  Not as scared as I am for Anaya - I'm fully convinced she will be blessed with the first cast - but scared, nonetheless.

3.  I'm super not excited to say goodbye to a bunch of people over the next couple of months, as they leave here for other (way cool) assignments.  It's just another reminder that we're still here and have no idea when we will leave, even though we have some idea of where (and it's not way cool)...can't tell you yet, though!

4.  No matter how hard you try to do the right thing and make everyone happy, someone will always find something ridiculous to have a problem with.  So you might as well have more wine because it takes the sting out and just makes those people seem lame.  I found an awesome group of women who like to run and have wine.  So, a few weeks ago, we ran a half marathon...then had wine!

5.  I came across this picture that I took when we went to cheer on the runners of the Okinawa Marathon (they run through the base).  Audie took the Evil Dr. Porkchop with him to play with and then set it down on the curb.  We thought it looked like EDP was plotting to trip someone.

6.  I'm tired of people who take things for granted - especially time on this earth and people they are supposed to love.  Do you know what I would give for just one more day with my Dad?  One more phone call?  One more hug?  And some people squander these days away, as if they aren't numbered.  They are.  And you never know when God will choose you to join him (if you're blessed).  If you think you have time to make amends...just be prepared if you don't.  The time is now because you just don't know what tomorrow will hold. 


Miss Bee said...

I love it all! Well, except for the giant Easter bunny. He is a little creepy. (Was that Alan?!?)

Amy said...

YES! It was Alan! Which makes the pictures of the kiddos FREAKING OUT about the Easter Bunny (on facebook) even funnier!