Saturday, June 2, 2012

Sexy And They Know It

You know us.  We like to P90X it.  I wasn't on-board at first, when Alan installed the pull-up bar in the living room doorway.  I didn't want to have to go through all the trouble of disguising it when I entertain.  Well, as it turns out, I hardly ever entertain anyone - and I eventually jumped on the P90X bandwagon, so the pull-up bar became a necessity.  As a result, our kids have seen us do countless pull-ups.  No doubt wondering what all the fuss was about, they began bugging us incessantly to do pull-ups.  Now, everytime we do a set, they take turns doing a set.  Well, they mostly take turns.  A certain blue-eyed girl always thinks it's her turn.  Ignore Adam's open fly - it was too late, once we realized it.  But par for the course, I think... 

Yeah...They work out.


Stephani said...

love the little voices! love love!

Miss Bee said...

So cute! You should send it to the P90x people!