Sunday, January 23, 2011

It's All Over, But The Crying... me, that is.  'Cause Anaya is CRAWLING!!  Just today she started moving along and there is no stopping her now!  She crawled down the hall to take a bath, crawled into the kitchen to get in the cabinets - wherever she wanted to go!  Granted, she does it a little unconventionally, of course.  What princess doesn't do it her own way?  She keeps one foot on the floor, with the knee up, kind of dragging it along.  She really is on to something - why get both knees dirty, when you don't have to?  Now that they are both on the move, I think we are in serious trouble.  Together they have destroyed books and magazines, opened cabinets (she gets it open and he moves in) and yanked out cookbooks, lunchboxes, snacks, plates and whatever else they can get their hands on.  I give the vertical blinds two days.  Maybe.  Seriously, don't come to my house.  It's a mess.  It's going to be deemed a "Disaster Zone" very soon and Ms Karina is going to quit.  But really - Yea!  I do think this is going to make her a much happier little girl.  And what a relief that will be!


Miss Bee said...

It tells me that this is a private video and that I have to accept the sender's friend request. So send me the video or code or whatever so that I can see the princess move!!!

Cathey said...

Won't let me open it either.

Amy said...

Sorry! How about now?