Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Top 5

I totally meant to do this on New Year's Eve, but you know... Here is a list of the "top 5" phrases (along with my response, or maybe the response I really wanted to say) that I heard in 2010.  There's a theme:

5.  When I was still pregnant, obviously: "I don't know how you're still getting around" (Well, if I had a choice, I wouldn't be doing anything!  Besides, way fatter people than me do it all the time.  Do you say that to them?)

4.  "That's perfect!  You got your boy and girl, and now you're done!"  (I'm sorry, did you happen to notice the other child standing here?  We like him too and also think he's pretty perfect.)

3. "I want/always wanted twins!"  (Well, we feel blessed.  But be careful what you wish for, because it's a lot of work and you don't look like the kind of person who's willing to work as hard as this requires.)

2.  "Are they twins?"  (Yes.  What did you think? *I get it when the kids are older and it's harder to tell if there is an age difference, especially with different sexes, but as babies.  Really?*)

1.  "I don't know how you do it."  (Thank you.  I don't know how I do it either, but caffeine and concealer help!  Also, I try really hard to pull it together decently in public.  You wouldn't make that comment if you saw us at home.)

Needless to say, all of our lives have revolved around the two miniature people all year long.  With them becoming more independent, it's nice to get back to being able to give Adam more of the focus he deserves.  Because the #6 phrase would probably be, "How old is he?", usually asked while he's throwing a fit in public.  It's been a tough year on Adam and I hope this next year is a little more fun for him.  Since they're sleeping through the night now, allowing me to sleep through the night, it's bound to be a little easier on everyone!  When Mama's happy...

1 comment:

Miss Bee said...

Well, I know I am guilty of #1 and I'll continue to say it!!!

You've done an amazing job with all 3!