Sunday, December 27, 2009

Just a Nugget

I'm working on a post of holiday stuff, but thought I would hold you over with this true "Dayton Day to Day" nugget.  On Christmas Eve, we went to buy a box spring for Adam's bed because we had only bought the mattress before, to see how it went.  Knowing they would charge us at least the price of the box spring or more to deliver, we figured it should fit in the van and we'd just handle it.  Alan grabbed a tape measure and did some research to be sure.  But, alas, despite our thorough planning, we resembled that minivan on Cars that McQueen sees passing Mack and gets upset over:

Sweet.  Only here can we pull that off without being completely embarrassed.  I guess if there is an upside then it's this:  Since the mattress wasn't taking up the entire inside of the car, we had room for a hand-carved teak bench that we decided to buy, too. 


Miss Bee said...

I wish the picture included you in the driver's seat! :) I wouldn't mind seeing a pic of the bench, too!

Hope you guys had a great Christmas!

Amy said...

Ha ha! There shall be no hard evidence that I actually drove a minivan ;-)