Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Bunch of M&Ms

This one really isn't about Okinawa, but I thought it would be fun.  Yesterday I jotted down some of the random thoughts I had throughout the day.  Originally I thought I should explain some of them, but finally decided not to.  I think it's better left to your imagination.  Here is a collection of my thoughts on a normal Friday:

“158. 31 pounds in 26 weeks.  You kids better respect that!”

“Thank you, Adam, for making vacuuming just a little bit tougher.”

“(Gasp) I think my water just almost broke!...Nope. Thank you, God.”

“Hire a maid. Hire a maid. Hire a maid…”

“Wow. And it’s not even backwards.”

“Seriously, Rosie, how much can a 10 lb. dog poop? I wonder if Adam could handle searching the yard and picking it up.”

“Is it English that’s coming out of my mouth?”

“Yep. I’m huge. Stop staring.”

“What on earth could you be looking at in the middle of the aisle? Pick. A. Side.”

“No, actually, I’m not ‘about ready to pop.’ But thanks for pointing out for the tenth time today how big I must look. Note to self: Don’t ever say that to a pregnant woman again.”

“$35? That’s like half price! Sweet!”

“Oh my God, please don’t let that tip over and break!”

"Thank you, God."

“God, grant me a little more patience, please. As soon as possible would be great. I know you’re busy.”

“Oops. Wrong side. Veer left.”

"I wish I knew what that sign said."

“This looks like it will probably turn into a true Dayton project”

“Yes…and that would be my better idea”

“Can’t. Get. Up.”

"Huh.  That turned out not to be so bad.  Maybe our luck is changing."

“Anybody else wanna come in here?”

“It would be fabulous not to cook dinner”

"Thank you, God."

“Priceless. This is why we decided to have more. Try to remember this.”

"There’s that noise again. What is it?”

“A bowl of cereal would be good. Or a bunch of M&Ms.”

"Really?  Right now?"

"Seriously. What is it??”

1 comment:

Em said...

Just wanted to say that I think your blog is a great idea! Thank you for allowing me to "travel" with you.. without having to leave my couch! :) Wishing you many happy adventures!