Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Tree Looks...Wait...What's That?

This year, given the fact that the twins are just about two, we figured the tree better be "mischievous-fingers-friendly," because we have an excess of mischievous fingers around here.  Case-in-point (these all occurred post-decorating):

So I separated all the sentimental and breakable ornaments from the unbreakable or mass-produced meaningless ones and let the kids go to town on the tree, decorating it as far as they could reach.  Then, I added the breakable ones to the top.  The tree ended up looking like this:

All things considered, it turned out really nice.  

But the night after we decorated it, I told Alan that I thought it looked like it was leaning.  As we were walking over, I spotted something that didn't quite look right.  Can you see it?

Here's a closer look:

As I was taking my normal decor down and storing it in the Christmas totes, replacing it with Christmas stuff, I noticed that Audie was rummaging through the totes.  I was making sure he wasn't breaking anything, but I was letting him explore.  He must have pulled this starfish out of the tote and shoved it into the tree (which is what he did with most of the ornaments he "hung").  We decided to leave it because...well, why not?  It's the perfect addition to our 2011 Christmas tree.

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Miss Bee said...

It looks beautiful - I think you guys did a great job! And the starfish reminds me of your wedding. Fun times.