Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Naughty or Nice?

Christmas Eve was a rough day for Adam.  He just couldn't stay out of trouble.  So we had to play the Santa card and tell him that he was probably on the naughty list and Santa probably wasn't going to come.  We would just have to wait and see in the morning.  Sure, we felt bad, but it did make him think...Fast forward to Christmas morning: Adam comes in to our room at about 7:15 a.m.  He asked if he could go check to see if Santa came.  I was actually surprised that he hadn't done that before he woke me up, but I think he really was a little bit scared that Santa may not have come.  I told him to go check and then come back and let me know.  A minute later, he came running back down the hallway, yelling, "SANTA CAME!!  AND HE BROUGHT STUFF FOR ME!!  HE MUST HAVE CHANGED HIS MIND ABOUT ME!!"

What can I say?  Santa changes his mind sometimes ;-)

Later, talking to Robin on Skype, he told her that Santa brought him this workbench, even though it wasn't on his list.  "Santa took some liberties," he said.  Yeah, Santa will do that, too. ;-)


Miss Bee said...

Too cute!

But did he really say that Santa took some liberties? Is he on a 10th grade reading level or what?!?!

Amy said...

Technically, he repeated it ;-)