Monday, July 19, 2010

Vacay, Dayton Style

Last week Alan took leave, which has only happened about three or four times since we've been married.  Poor guy.  I'm sure he had beautiful images in his head of a fun-filled, perfect week with his family.  Well, I hated to burst his bubble, but...

Saturday night I awoke to the sound of Anaya screaming.  Long story short, we spent the next four days watching her butt.  Alan did escape with Adam to the beach on Sunday while I stayed behind with the babies.  Every day we planned to go to the Aquarium if Anaya had improved, but every day we shattered Adam's dream by not going.  I couldn't imagine having to find a changing table every 45 minutes, not to mention handle a screaming baby in public.  I wouldn't wish that on an enemy, why would I subject myself to it?  After a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, we were told to monitor her and if it got any worse to go to the ER (there had been blood in her stools).  We already had a sitter for the kids who didn't go to the doctor, so we swapped Anaya for Adam and took him to the beach for a bit.  It was going to be a nice break from watching Anaya's butt for me.  Here's Adam enjoying an OJ on the beach:

After spending Tuesday night feeling like we were just sitting around waiting to go to the ER, I opted to call the pediatrician on Wednesday morning and tell her we were headed there.  She instead ordered an x-ray so that was less painful.  After a couple of x-rays (and hours), it was determined that Anaya did not have any obstruction and we were back to this being a nasty virus.  Oddly enough, she seemed to have improved during the time we were at the hospital and it continued through the night.  So, Thursday we headed up to Okuma for the night.

Wednesday morning Adam had started having "issues", but apparently 2+2 is higher level math around here and it didn't register.  So, Thursday Adam felt crappy all day.  He went to the beach for a bit with Alan while I stayed in the room with the babies, but he pretty much slept all day.  And the babies pretty much cried all day.  We ate dinner in the room.  Thursday night the babies had to sleep together in a pack-n-play, which they haven't done since they were about 3 weeks old.  Didn't go well.  At all.  Zero sleep for Mom or Dad and everyone up at dawn is what it all amounted to.  So, since it wasn't hot yet at that hour and Adam was feeling better, Alan and I each strapped on a baby and we all went for a morning walk on the beach.  After a little breakfast, I got a chance at some beach time with Adam while Alan stayed with the babies.  Then, we checked out and finally hit the Aquarium.  There are no pictures from Okuma as, who are we trying to fool?, it was not that fun and would almost be better forgotten.  Let's hope it goes better for Memorial Day when we go.  I hate that Alan finally got a vacation and this is how it went, but, let's be honest, we expected nothing more.  This was standard.

The Aquarium was amazing, as always.  The babies were a little attentive...for about 20 minutes.  Then they fell asleep for about 20 minutes.  Then they cried.  And cried.  While Alan took Adam to see the turtles, I headed to the handicap bathroom to change both babies.  As I was trying to enter, I was stopped by a group of Japanese women who were very happy to see twins ("Tween?  Ah!  Tween!).  One even snapped a picture!  Then they both started screaming again and off everyone went.  At the moment, I'm glad I don't understand Japanese.  There's never a dull moment around here!  I'm gonna go ahead and let you imagine me making my way to the handicap Japanese bathroom with my big-ass stroller and tweens. 

I've posted pictures from the Aquarium before, but here are a couple of pics of us and videos of the whale sharks.  They never cease to amaze me.  The first video is like 3 minutes long, so you don't have to watch it all.  The second video is of the big fish swimming overhead.  I was zoomed out all the way on the camera, so you get a little sense of how large they are.

1 comment:

Miss Bee said...

Wow. That sounds, um, relaxing.

But, I do love calling the twins "tweens!"

And that is a great picture of you and Alan. Either you were actually having fun at that moment in time or you fake it well.